
Haiku is a japanese poetry style made of seventeen 'mores' (japanese concept that may refere to our syllabes).
A haiku’s structure is traditionnaly built the following way : three verses : the first one and the third contain five mores, the second one is seven.
Basically, a haiku is not “composed” like a westerner poem
would be. It is thought then laid down on the paper all at once,
as its purpose is to express a temporary sensation to be focused on nature, environment, inner mood or personal background.
A haiku appears appropriate to combine different feelings, maybe taking a step back at the same time.
The reader is free to take it for himself, to think about it, or just to enjoy its musicality.
A haiku and a polaroid have something in common obviously, in my mind.
A polaroid arises from a moment of visual surprise,
an aesthetic vibration that gets organised in my brain with a help from my imagination.
‘Haikus’ consists of triptyches of discontinued Polaroid Artistic TZ square film.
They are combined in a subjective game of visual correspondances or graphic juxtapositions, thus letting bloom rising stories.
Each triptych originally comes up with a haiku in french.