New York City, in absentia

New York City appears iconic in most of people’s minds.
New York City has been capturing the collective imagination for a long time.
So it is in my mind, especially as I spent days walking through its streets.
So, when they have come up against the reality of a stay there : what do the iconic images become in the mind,
once we are back home ?
What do we remember of what we felt ?
How does time turn the experience into a mix of emotions, colors and mental reconstruction ?
As for me, the content of memories lies both in lively feelings and evanescent images.
These are meaningful but also out of focus because they are filtered by the passage of years…
Just like polaroids which give memories a reference and a direction, which simplify and grow more attractive at the same time what they give to see.
'New York City, in absentia' consists of printed digital photographs which were shot again on expired cult SX70 Time Zero instant film.
A previous selection was made a few years after the pictures were taken, with the starting point of figuring out which images would come up again at first in my mind.
And then, they were “transformed” by the Time Zero treatment : it added random artifacts and color distorsions that may express the work of time in the mental process of souvenirs.
All these pictures allow me to feel again striking images from my wanderings in N.Y.C.
And the city is experienced again, in absentia.